Home Office Website Privacy Policy

1.Identity of Data Controller

Where used in this Policy, “TSO" means The Stationery Office Limited, having its registered office at 55 Wells Street, London, W1A 3AE or any of its subsidiaries or related companies. For the purposes of applicable legislation, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation, as amended or supplemented (the “Data Protection Laws”), the TSO group company that you have dealings with is the controller of your personal information.

2.Relationship between The Stationery Office Ltd and Home Office

TSO hosts, manages and fulfils orders made through this Site on behalf of the Home Office. Personal information we collect about you including: your name, email address, item(s) purchased, whether or not you have asked to receive marketing from the Home Office will to a limited extent be shared with the Home Office for various purposes including:

You should not submit any personal information to us if you do not wish it to be shared with the Home Office. The Home Office will process your personal information in accordance with its privacy policy, which is available hereopens in new window.

If you have any questions about how your personal information may be processed by the Home Office, you can contact the Home Office Data Protection Officer at hereopens in new window

3.Our Data Protection Officer

Our Data Protection Officer can also be contacted by email at global.privacy@wlt.com or in writing at:

Data Protection Officer
Williams Lea Tag
St Crispins House, Duke Street
United Kingdom.

4.How We Collect and Process Your Personal Information

When you sign up for an account on our Site

If you sign up for an account on our Site, we will collect basic information about you including your name, email address, and telephone number. We will use the information that we collect about you to:

-create and maintain your account;

-allow you to log in to the Site;

-contact you about your account and the services that we offer.

When you place an order or return a product

If you place an order through our Site, we will collect your address, contact details, delivery preferences, and information about the products you have ordered, as well as payment information, depending on how you place your order or request a refund. We will use this information to:

-contact you to confirm the details of your order;

-arrange for delivery of your order;

-process your payment;

-detect and prevent fraud or other crime;

-resolve legal claims or disputes involving you or us.

When you use our app

By using this application and inputting your personal information, you consent to the collection and use of this information in accordance with this privacy statement.

We may collect the following information from you:

IP addresses

We may collect information about your device, including where available your IP address, operating system, the type of device you use and browser type, for system administration and to report, where applicable, aggregate information to our advertisers. This is statistical data about our users' browsing actions and patterns, and does not identify any individual.

When you contact us

If you contact us by telephone, email, post or using another function offered by our Site, e.g. livechat we will collect any information about you that you choose to give us. We will use this information to review, investigate and respond to any comment or question that you may raise.

Information we collect automatically from you

The information we automatically collect may include your Internet Protocol (IP) address, software configuration, aggregate use information, geographical location data, operating system and use of cookies. We will not usually be able to identify you from this information. Cookies are small files sent from us to your computer where they are stored and may be read. You can find out more about our use of cookies in our Cookie Policy.

5.Our Legal Basis For Using Your Personal Information

If you create an account or place an order through our Site, our legal basis for processing your personal information is that it is necessary for the performance of the Terms and Conditions between you and us. In all other circumstances, including where you contact us, our legal basis for processing personal information is that it is necessary for our legitimate interests in conducting our business and meeting the requirements of our current and prospective customers.

6.How We May Share Your Personal Information

We will disclose the personal information we hold about you to:

7.International Transfers of Personal Information

We process your personal information using data centres located inside the European Union and will not transfer your personal information outside the European Union.

8.Retention of Personal Information

The period for which we will retain personal information will vary depending on the purposes that it was collected for, as well as the requirements of any applicable law or regulation:

9.Your Rights

You may have certain rights in relation to the personal information we collect about you. These may include the right to request access to your personal information, to request that it is erased, that its processing is restricted, or that any inaccurate personal information is rectified. You may also have the right to object to the processing of your personal information, or in some circumstances to obtain a copy of the personal information in machine readable format. Any such request should be submitted in writing to:


You also have the right to complain about the use of your personal information to a local supervisory authority, which in the UK is the Information Commissioner’s Office. You can contact them via their website at www.ico.org.ukopens in new window or write to them at:

Information Commissioner's Office,
Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,
Wilmslow Cheshire,

10.Changes To This Privacy Policy

This Policy will be reviewed from time to time to take account of changes to our operations or practices and, further, to make sure it remains appropriate to any changes in law, technology and the business environment. Any personal information held will be governed by our most current Policy.

11.Links To Third Party Websites

This Site may contain links to other websites. These are not covered by this Privacy Policy. If you access other websites using the links provided, you do so at your own risk. The operators of these websites may collect and use your information in accordance with their privacy policies, which may differ from ours. Please check the relevant policies before you submit any personal information to any other websites.

12.Contact Us

If you have any questions or wish to contact us please contact us at:

global.privacy@wlt.com or foirequest@tso.co.uk.